
What's everyone eating this week?

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby WhitefieldFoodie » Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:20 pm

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Finally back in the kitchen after a lazy week of food.

Grilled hake with Blitva.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Pampy » Wed Oct 18, 2017 8:10 pm

Now that looks bloody wonderful - just the sort of thing I love.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Gillthepainter » Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:28 am

Somebody's been trying new things. What an excellent session of cooking, Wildie, I do like a good photo.

And just the right thing at the moment.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Renée » Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:14 am

A lovely plate of food!

I've just been eating Italian this week, making a very tasty Italian sauce with some fresh turkey from the supermarket.

Had lunch here with friends yesterday.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Petronius » Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:36 am

We had hake last night, but bunged it in the oven - heathen like, plus olive oil and squeezed lemons. Delivered with a potato mash with chopped fennel fronds and runner beans fresh from daughter's garden.

That Blivta would work with any cabbage I assume.

Here's a photo for you Gill - scallops and bacon at the Ship, Axmouth, just west of Lyme Regis. Superb.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby WhitefieldFoodie » Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:24 pm

Cheers, all :)

Blitva was one of the standout foodie delights of my trip to Croatia and have been meaning to make it since I got back. In terms of "leaf", traditionally it is with swiss chard, but I made it with kale yesterday.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Petronius » Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:42 pm

Thanks WF, never heard of it (or so I thought) so checked and indeed it's made with Swiss Chard in Croatia. I realise I had it in Croatia but the English menu didn't call it that. Some of our fellow travellers didn't like it at all, but we loved it.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Joanbunting » Thu Oct 19, 2017 2:24 pm

Not only do I love the look of the food WFF but I just love that Le Creuset(?) dish! Trouble is these days I doubt I would be able to lift it!

We had grilled beetroot and goat cheese sald for lunch and I am making a trad quiche lorraine for supper whcih i will save with spinach. I have also made an apple compote with sultanas and flavoured with Calvados

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby WhitefieldFoodie » Thu Oct 19, 2017 2:52 pm

Joan - That dish is from Sainsbury's. It was in the sale down to £30 January gone. It is fantastic. Hob to oven really easily and has a great heavy lid. Does weigh a ton though and Mrs WF struggles with it. I do many a 1 pot dish in it, along with my double hob teriyaki griddle it my favourite cooking item at the minute.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Renée » Thu Oct 19, 2017 3:53 pm

I've been meaning to get one of those Sainsbury's shallow cast iron casserole dishes. I'm glad that you like it so much.

I tried the vary fashionable, at the moment, mashed avocado on toast with a poached egg on top for lunch. I really loved it. I added a little ev olive oil to the avocado mash and I used the German rye bread with sunflower seeds toasted. I shall be able to use up my bags of frozen avocado halves now.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby WhitefieldFoodie » Thu Oct 19, 2017 5:04 pm

Renee - That my go to breakfast when I have time. Normally with a couple of rasher of smoked streaky bacon/pancetta, a round of Black Pudding or some smoked fish (Mackerel, haddock, salmon).

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Stokey Sue » Thu Oct 19, 2017 6:27 pm

I wanted a pan that shape and decided my weak right hand couldn't cope with iron
So I got the Green Pan, aluminium with a glass lid, and I love it
Can't find it on line now but Greenpan are really irritating, they do too many ranges and chop and change them constantly

I aspire to the Le Creuset 3 ply stainless steel one, but it's nearly £100

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Renée » Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:19 pm

Wildie, I had been thinking that a rasher or two of crispy bacon on top would be a lovely combination! I would give the Black Puddin' a miss though! :thumbsup I learned something about black puddings recently. The ones made with fresh blood are the best, but most are made with dried blood.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Joanbunting » Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:32 am

We had a lovely weekend of food.

Saturday night supper was choucroute garni with really lovely proky products to go with it including potaoes cooked in the same pan as the poached Ardois sausages. Our butcher /traituer is really top class - not cheap but worth even centime.

Yesterday we went to a favourite local restaurant and feasted on this menu:

Encornets poêlés en persillade, mousseline de maïs, The most tender squid I have ever eaten
beurre de betterave rouge fumé et cubes noirs
Emincé de langue de boeuf, cromesquis de tête de veau, M had this but we both love tongue. He said it was
sauce aigre douce et roquette delicious
Filet de maigre sur une fricassée de choux frisé et crumble
de parmesan, beurre ail-anchois
Côte de cochon fermier IGP Bourbonnais rôtie au foin, We both had the pork which was wonderful meat.
crique de pommes de terre à la tomate séchée,
jus de cuisson
Mousse fromage blanc au miel et biscuit crumble, This was lovely - the chestnut honey crumb base w
sorbet poire et poires caramélisées a revelation
L’Assortiment des sorbets maison
et tuile croustillante aux amandes
Les fromages de chèvre de Provence affinés par Josiane Déal
et confiture de figues noires

We didn't have much room for any supper so settled for blue cheese and a lovely pear

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Gillthepainter » Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:42 pm

Did somebody mention porc! My favourite, Joan.

I've not been cooking up a storm.
Tony's a bit off food - he has periods. So it's basic things to keep him interested. Something and salad. Salmon Pasta.
Fish pie tonight, I forgot to get milk for the sauce, but popped out to get a pint.

Haven't bought a pint of milk for months.

Thanks for the lovely image.
I shall return the favour with a super tapas meal we had in Valladolid of croquetas (what's not to like) and scallop brandada


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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby WhitefieldFoodie » Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:04 am

Renée wrote:Wildie, I had been thinking that a rasher or two of crispy bacon on top would be a lovely combination! I would give the Black Puddin' a miss though! :thumbsup I learned something about black puddings recently. The ones made with fresh blood are the best, but most are made with dried blood.

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Renee. It is also delicious with chorizo, too :)

Joan - I can only imagine how delicious all your food was as my French is close to useless :lol:

Gill - Nothing wrong with Salmon Pasta and Fish Pie :yum I class Fish Pie as technical cooking because of all the process you have to go through.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Gillthepainter » Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:46 am

Breakfast is ready!!!
Nice one, Foodie.

Fish pie was declared absolutely delicious (that'll be the cream in the mash not butter, and the cream in the parsley sauce).
One in the freezer for another time.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Alexandria » Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:41 am

I have just returned from Portugal Monday the 23rd so, it is a Japanese lunch at a local restaurant today .. I love nigriri and sashimi ..

Tomorrow I am working from home so I shall go over to La Boqueria for some veggies and fish / shellfish and see ..

A prawn risotto perhaps for Friday the 29th ..

During the week it is almost impossible to cook lunches however, shall be planning weekend ..

I will go with my husband for Lebanese tonight ..
Barcelona, soulful & spirited, filled with fine art, amazing architecture, profoundly steeped in culture & history, and it engages all your senses, and food fancies.

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby jeral » Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:54 pm

Avo and crispy bits of smoked streaky bacon used to be my favourite sandwich combo donkey's years ago when I ate meat; now crispy shallots instead. It has to be on non-crusty doorstep white bread though as the crispy bits are the contrast texture to the smooth avo and crust or seeds would interfere. A poached egg is a new one on me though...

Gillthepainter, spud-topped pies are always good (if they're not dry) e.g. fish, shepherd's/cottage, Med-veg, mushroom/sweetcorn, broccoli/cheese etc. I like garlic/EVOO mash, mustard, or 1/3rd sweet potato as suits sometimes. Incidentally, long-life UHT full-fat milk in cartons is perfectly fine for sauces. Any carton excess can be decanted and frozen/defrosted successfully too.

I bought a lot of chestnut mushrooms recently (the dreaded impulse urge) so I'll turn some into soup to feed the fridge and make a mush strog to eat for tea. I intended to use some in pasties but forgot and used the pastry for something else. Should Think Ahea
d. ;)

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Re: What's everyone eating this week?

Postby Pampy » Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:44 pm

I never put potato on my fish pie - after pouring in the sauce, I just top it with a mix of grated parmesan and breadcrumbs, then dot with butter.


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